Google Pagerank is a link analysis algorithm used by Google search engine to give ranking to every blogs, websites and its pages. Google gives pagerank from 0 to 10. The higher your pagerank is, the better it is for yourblog or website.
How to check Google Pagerank
Google does not directly send you the Email to tell you your site's Pagerank. You have tocheck your pagerank yourself. There are many page rank tools available on the internet that lets you check your site's pagerank. But the problem is that, not all the pagerank checker tools are accurate. Some tools are fake and don't tell the real pagerank.
Here, in this post, you will find 3 best and most accurate Google page rank checker tools. Use them to check pagerank.
Prchecker.info is a very famous and most accurate tool to check your pagerank. It is completely free. You can check your pagerank, add a widget of your pagerank in your site and you can also add free pagerank checker tool to your site using Prchecker.info. You cancheck your pagerank by entering you URL and passing a small captcha code.
Check your pagerank using Prchecker.info.
Prcheker.net is an easier tool to check your pagerank. Here, you will not have to enter any captcha code and even you don't need to hit enter to check. Just type your URL and it will automatically show you your pagerank.
Check your pagerank using Prchecker.net.
Checkpagerank.net is another great tool to check google pagerank. You can check yourpagerank easily by entering your domain and passing a captcha code.
Check your pagerank using checkpagerank.net.
These were 3 best tools to check Google pagerank of any blog or webpage. Which tool you use to check your pagerank? Let us and our readers know by commenting below.
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